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Email and Cycle integration cover

Collect customer feedback from Email

Why should you connect email to Cycle: Key benefits

Give your customers & company a dedicated email address ('') to submit feedback. Make people feel heard. Cycle will automatically tell people their feedback got captured and notify them when an update gets released.

How the email integration works

Simply forward emails with feedback to your Cycle workspace email address. Feedback will get processed automatically and linked to relevant discoveries & roadmap items. Cycle will build a profile for every customer to show you all their requests, across all the touchpoints you had with them.

Quick setup

  1. Go to Cycle’s settings and select the integrations tab, click "Add new," and choose Email.
  2. Generate a unique Cycle email address.
  3. Forward relevant emails to this address.
  4. Cycle will automatically capture and categorize the feedback.

Import historical data from Email to Cycle

Cycle's graphql API lets you easily import feedback in bulk. If you're migrating from another feedback tool or would like to create multiple feedback items at once, use the createFeedback mutation.