Founder mistakes and learnings for my younger self

I've been building Cycle for 5 years 🤯

It's a long time and I've made all the mistakes a founder can make. But all along, I kept learning and getting better.

Here are some hard won learnings I would have loved to share with my younger founder self (in no particular order):

Don't Move Horizontally Towards Your Vision

When you have a grand vision, it's tempting to chase it relentlessly. But, the key is to identify the sequence of battles you'll need to win along the way and focus on conquering the first one. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your vision will unfold one strategic step at a time.

Shine through Authenticity

Never try to be someone you're not. Shine through your authenticity – no one can beat you at being you. Your unique perspective and experiences are your greatest assets; lean into them, and let your genuine self shine through in everything you do.

Write, Write, and Write Some More

Writing is thinking, and you can never do too much of it. Fill notebooks with your thoughts, ideas, and aspirations. There's something special about the physical act of putting pen to paper that can unlock new levels of clarity and creativity.

Don't follow anyone else's playbook

Do learn from others' experiences, but don't blindly follow anyone else's playbook. Create your own unique strategy, tailored to your specific vision, strengths, and circumstances. Forge your own path and let your journey show your creativity.

Trust Your Intuition

If something feels wrong, it probably is. Listen to your negative emotions, understand their root cause, and act accordingly.

Iterate on Go-To-Market from Day One

Product-market fit is as much about "market" as it is about "product." Start iterating on your go-to-market strategy from day one, because shipping a new feature alone is unlikely to save you.

Pitch Duality

Customers don't care about your investor pitch, and investors don't get excited by your customer pitch. You have two distinct audiences with different priorities – manage that duality, and adapt your messaging accordingly.

Focus on What You Can Control

Anxiety often stems from fixating on factors beyond your control. Instead, focus your energy on what you can directly influence. Take action, it always produces new information and insights, and reduces uncertainty.

Stand for Something

There are two kinds of products: products that take a stance and products that try to please everyone; great ones take a stance.

Simplistic > complex > simple

Great ideas go through three maturity stages: simplistic, complex, and finally, simple. Each stage is critical, but don't settle for complex.

That's it... for now ✌️