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Zapier & CSV import

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Send survey responses straight to Cycle using Zapier

Create your own Zaps and automate feedback collection straight into Cycle!
Are you gathering feedback from forms, surveys, and public portals? We know it’s a lot to manage… Get a centralized repository of them all in your 💌 Feedback Inbox 🤩

CSV import

You’ll now be able to import your existing product roadmap and feedback (or user research) data in your Cycle workspace!

No need to spend time migrating data from your other tools — it will take a minute to feel at home in Cycle 🏠


You’ll now be able to assign segmented roles (and respective actions to be performed) to various members in your team. Admins, makers, collaborators, .. all working hand in hand in Cycle 🤝

Let them see our new onboarding flow by inviting some teammates in Settings > Members > Add!

Feedback built-in doc type

Cycle is getting more opinionated towards product management: 💬 Feedback is now a built-in discovery doc type, that will be automatically set up with your various source integrations.


  • We’ve done an extensive design polish session to end the summer season in good shape! 💅
  • You can now filter your boards based on the company property
  • We’ll keep on improving the onboarding flow every week!
Learn more

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